Monday 17 June 2013

Google Inc. faced with yet another investigation by the European authorities in connection with allegations that the Internet company sustains its Android operating system and mobile services through price dumping, as well as exclusive limited agreements.

European regulators have focused on the anti-competitive deals between Internet companies and the manufacturers of smartphones. Until this investigation is at a preliminary stage and no formal notice of investigation.

The European Commission will be addressed primarily in the nature of exclusive agreements with manufacturers of smartphones on Android shipments and disposal of OS support for alternative services.

The European Commission has already started the newsletter 23-page questionnaire to manufacturers of smartphones and cellular companies. A questionnaire on the issue 82, covering various topics on the telecommunications market.

In the Google data charges are invalid, because the source code is open and OPERATING SYSTEM manufacturers and mobile operators to decide how to use the Android and what services it preinstalled.

Shortly before the start of the investigation of complaints made by Microsoft and Nokia. Among the earlier accusations experts pay attention to what Google itself carries certain costs associated with licensing the Android, but despite them, has the OS vendors, phone numbers "below cost", but in Exchange for this priority requires manufacturers release Android-based solutions at the expense of the other releases of the OS. A similar system exists for Internet services, said in the complaint.

As Europe leads against Google another hearing associated with the ranking results in Internet search.

It is also, according to Gartner, Android's market share now mobile OS reaches 74% versus 57% the year before.
Source: FT.Com


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